Getting Fit (Again) With Baby

Here we are starting fitness life again, except this time I am very much not alone. I’m on someone else’s schedule of feeding, pooping, and needing to be held and loved.

It’s not a bad gig except that I have to wear my workout clothes all day long so that when baby girl goes down for a nap we can jump into a workout. Or sort of plan around feedings.

At 4 weeks postpartum I decided to clean up my eating. Cory entertained Rowen while I prepped meals for the week and boiled eggs. Although I was great with my eating, after one week the scale did not budge…not even a decimal place. So I’ve ditched the scale…it always let me down anyways. And I’ve learned my lesson that as I build muscle, of course the scale goes up. So back to strength training we go!

Also I made some Banana Oatmeal muffins with coconut sugar that were friggin delicious….damn carbohydrates for their tastiness, and staving off breastfeeding hunger.

Yup, there it is, my first day back at the gym for an hour without the baby! I did a push day and a pull day on the weekend, and I forgot how amazing it feels to be sore after hard physical work.

But then Cory sends me an adorable video of her and I miss her lol.

 Last week I took Rowen on a mom’s hike with an awesome group called Hike It Baby. They are in over 100 cities and it’s free! So google it and check to see if there is a group near you!

I couldn’t get to the gym today so I opted for a speedwalk with the stroller by the river and did legs using the benches including: squats, lunges, step-ups and glute raises.  

I love working out in the outdoors every now and then, especially in the fall with the cooler weather. I can wear my leggings all I want and not die of heat exhaustion 😉




5 responses to “Getting Fit (Again) With Baby

  1. good work momma! you are doing great! 🙂 How have you been feeling?
    and yeah for getting rid of the scale! 🙂 smart move! 🙂

      • Yes I hear it’s common! It’s just a sharp soreness when I bend that part of my back. I actually asked my chiropractor about it, and he said its tight and sore because scar tissue is forming (due to the size of the needle and duration it’s in your back).

      • boo! sorry you are having that issue! Have you been able to get any relief with your chiro? great thing to do all around..

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